Field name | Element/attribute name | Requ. | Occ. | Data type | Definition |
Process data set | processDataSet | m | [1,1] | Data set for unit processes, partly terminated systems, and LCI results. May contain LCIA results as well. | |
version | @version | m | SchemaVersion | Indicates, which version of the ILCD format is used | |
location | @locations | m | String | contains reference to used location table for this dataset | |
Meta data only | @metaDataOnly | o | boolean | Indicates whether this data set contains only meta data (no exchanges section). | |
Process information | processInformation | m | [1,1] | Corresponds to the ISO/TS 14048 section "Process description". It comprises the following six sub-sections: 1) "Data set information" for data set identification and overarching information items, 2) "Quantitative reference", 3) "Time", 4) "Geography", 5) "Technology" and 6) "Mathematical relations". | |
Key Data Set Information | dataSetInformation | m | [1,1] | General data set information. Section covers all single fields in the ISO/TS 14048 "Process description", which are not part of the other sub-sections. In ISO/TS 14048 no own sub-section is foreseen for these entries. | |
UUID of Process data set | UUID | m | [1,1] | UUID | Automatically generated Universally Unique Identifier of this data set. Together with the "Data set version", the UUID uniquely identifies each data set. |
Name | name | r | [0,1] | General descriptive and specifying name of the process. | |
Base name | baseName | r | [1,1] | StringMultiLang | General descriptive name of the process and/or its main good(s) or service(s) and/or it's level of processing. |
Treatment, standards, routes | treatmentStandardsRoutes | r | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Specifying information on the good, service, or process in technical term(s): treatment received, standard fulfilled, product quality, use information, production route name, educt name, primary / secondary etc. Separated by commata. |
Mix and location types | mixAndLocationTypes | r | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Specifying information on the good, service, or process whether being a production mix or consumption mix, location type of availability (such as e.g. "to consumer" or "at plant"). Separated by commata. |
Quantitative product or process properties | functionalUnitFlowProperties | r | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Further, quantitative specifying information on the good, service or process in technical term(s): qualifying constituent(s)-content and / or energy-content per unit etc. as appropriate. Separated by commata. (Note: non-qualifying flow properties, CAS No, Synonyms, Chemical formulas etc. are documented exclusively in the "Flow data set".) |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Identifier of sub-data set | identifierOfSubDataSet | o | [0,1] | String | Identifier of a sub-set of a complete process data set. This can be the life cycle stage that a data set covers (such as used in EPDs for modular LCI reporting, with the inventory split up into "resource extraction stage", "production stage", "use stage" and "end-of-life stage"). Or it can be e.g. the type of emission source from which the elementary flows of the Inputs and Outputs stems (e.g. "incineration-related", "transport-related", etc.). Together with the field "Complementing processes" this allows to split up a process data set into a number of clearly identified data sets, each carrying only a part of the inventory and that together represent the complete inventory. Care has to be taken when naming the reference flow, to avoid misinterpretation. |
Synonyms | synonyms | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Synonyms / alternative names / brands of the good, service, or process. Separated by semicolon. |
Complementing processes | complementingProcesses | o | [0,1] | "Process data set(s)" that complement this partial / sub-set of a complete process data set, if any and available as separate data set(s). The identifying name of this sub-set should be stated in the field "Identifier of sub-data set". | |
Complementing process | referenceToComplementingProcess | o | [1,n] | GlobalReferenceType | reference to one complementing process |
Classification information | classificationInformation | r | [0,1] | Hierarchical classification of the good, service, or process. (Note: This entry is NOT required for the identification of a Process. It should nevertheless be avoided to use identical names for Processes in the same category. | |
Classification | classification | r | [0,n] | Optional statistical or other classification of the data set. Typically also used for structuring LCA databases. | |
Classification system name | @name | r | string | Name of the classification system. | |
Classes | @classes | r | anyURI | URL or file name of a file listing all classes of this classification system. [Notes: the referenced file has to be in form of the "ILCDClassification.xml" format. If a classification file is specified, the "class" entry should correspond to the classes defined in the classification file.] | |
Class name | class | r | [1,n] | Name of the class. | |
Hierarchy level | @level | r | LevelType | If more than one class is specified in a hierachical classification system, the hierarchy level (1,2,...) could be specified with this attribute of class. | |
Unique class identifier | @classId | r | string | Unique identifier for the class. [Notes: If such identifiers are also defined in the referenced category file, they should be identical. Identifiers can be UUID's, but also other forms are allowed.] | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
General comment on data set | generalComment | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | General information about the data set, including e.g. general (internal, not reviewed) quality statements as well as information sources used. (Note: Please also check the more specific fields e.g. on "Intended application", "Advice on data set use" and the fields in the "Modelling and validation" section to avoid overlapping entries.) |
Data set LCA report, background info | referenceToExternalDocumentation | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set(s)" of detailed LCA study on the process or product represented by this data set, as well as documents / files with overarching documentative information on technology, geographical and / or time aspects etc. (e.g. basic engineering studies, process simulation results, patents, plant documentation, model behind the parameterisation of the "Mathematical model" section, etc.) (Note: can indirectly reference to digital file.) |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Quantitative reference | quantitativeReference | r | [0,1] | This section names the quantitative reference used for this data set, i.e. the reference to which the inputs and outputs quantiatively relate. | |
Type of quantitative reference | @type | r | TypeOfQuantitativeReferenceValues Reference flow(s) One or more of the data set's inputs or outputs is identified as quantiative reference flow. This covers the 14048 types of quantitative references "Reference flow of process", "Outgoing product flow", "Incoming product flow", "Other flow". E.g. ['Electricity; 220V; to consumer; AC' - '1 MJ']. E.g. for multi-functional processes e.g. ['Wheat grains; at farm; 16% H2O' - '1 kg'] and also ['Wheat straw; at farm; 14% H2O' - '0.9 kg']. Functional unit The functional unit of the process may relate to the process' performance expressed without referring to a flow. E.g. "Protective coating of 1 m2 of car surface acc. to XY specifications for 15 years". One or more functional unit entries can be given in addition to a reference flow. Other parameter Other information items quantify the process' reference. E.g. "Input of 1 MJ fuel oils" into an energy conversion process, which might be represented by two different fuels in the inputs/outputs, but which are inventoried individually and in kg (e.g. as 0.015 kg light fuel oil and 0,018 kg heavy fuel oil). Production period Time period of operation that a process represents, e.g. "January 2003 to including June 2003". |
Type of quantitative reference of this data set. | |
Reference flow(s) | referenceToReferenceFlow | r | [0,n] | Int6 | One or more of the Inputs or Outputs in case "Type of quantitative reference" is of type "Reference flow(s)". (Data set internal reference.) |
Functional unit, Production period, or Other parameter | functionalUnitOrOther | r | [0,n] | StringMultiLang | Quantity, name, property/quality, and measurement unit of the Functional unit, Production period, or Other parameter, in case "Type of quantitative reference" is of one of these types. [Note: One or more functional units can also be given in addition to a reference flow.] |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Time representativeness | time | r | [0,1] | Provides information about the time representativeness of the data set. | |
Reference year | referenceYear | r | [0,1] | Year | Start year of the time period for which the data set is valid (until year of "Data set valid until:"). For data sets that combine data from different years, the most representative year is given regarding the overall environmental impact. In that case, the reference year is derived by expert judgement. |
Data set valid until: | dataSetValidUntil | r | [0,1] | Year | End year of the time period for which the data set is still valid / sufficiently representative. This date also determines when a data set revision / remodelling is required or recommended due to expected relevant changes in environmentally or technically relevant inventory values, including in the background system. |
Time representativeness description | timeRepresentativenessDescription | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of the valid time span of the data set including information on limited usability within sub-time spans (e.g. summer/winter). |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Geographical representativeness | geography | r | [0,1] | Provides information about the geographical representativeness of the data set. | |
Location | locationOfOperationSupplyOrProduction | r | [0,1] | Location, country or region the data set represents. [Note 1: This field does not refer to e.g. the country in which a specific site is located that is represented by this data set but to the actually represented country, region, or site. Note 2: Entry can be of type "two-letter ISO 3166 country code" for countries, "seven-letter regional codes" for regions or continents, or "market areas and market organisations", as predefined for the ILCD. Also a name for e.g. a specific plant etc. can be given here (e.g. "FR, Lyon, XY Company, Z Site"; user defined). Note 3: The fact whether the entry refers to production or to consumption / supply has to be stated in the name-field "Mix and location types" e.g. as "Production mix".] | |
Location | @location | r | NullableString | Location, country or region the data set represents. [Note 1: This field does not refer to e.g. the country in which a specific site is located that is represented by this data set but to the actually represented country, region, or site. Note 2: Entry can be of type "two-letter ISO 3166 country code" for countries, "seven-letter regional codes" for regions or continents, or "market areas and market organisations", as predefined for the ILCD. Also a name for e.g. a specific plant etc. can be given here (e.g. "FR, Lyon, XY Company, Z Site"; user defined). Note 3: The fact whether the entry refers to production or to consumption / supply has to be stated in the name-field "Mix and location types" e.g. as "Production mix".] | |
Latitude and Longitude | @latitudeAndLongitude | o | GIS | Geographical latitude and longitude reference of "Location" / "Sub-location". For area-type locations (e.g. countries, continents) the field is empty. | |
Geographical representativeness description | descriptionOfRestrictions | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Further explanations about additional aspects of the location: e.g. a company and/or site description and address, whether for certain sub-areas within the "Location" the data set is not valid, whether data is only valid for certain regions within the location indicated, or whether certain elementary flows or intermediate product flows are extrapolated from another geographical area. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Sub-location(s) | subLocationOfOperationSupplyOrProduction | o | [0,n] | One or more geographical sub-unit(s) of the stated "Location". Such sub-units can be e.g. the sampling sites of a company-average data set, the countries of a region-average data set, or specific sites in a country-average data set. [Note: For single site data sets this field is empty and the site is named in the "Location" field.] | |
Sub-location(s) | @subLocation | o | String | One or more geographical sub-unit(s) of the stated "Location". Such sub-units can be e.g. the sampling sites of a company-average data set, the countries of a region-average data set, or specific sites in a country-average data set. [Note: For single site data sets this field is empty and the site is named in the "Location" field.] | |
Latitude and Longitude | @latitudeAndLongitude | o | GIS | Geographical latitude and longitude reference of "Location" / "Sub-location". For area-type locations (e.g. countries, continents) the field is empty. | |
Geographical representativeness description | descriptionOfRestrictions | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Further explanations about additional aspects of the location: e.g. a company and/or site description and address, whether for certain sub-areas within the "Location" the data set is not valid, whether data is only valid for certain regions within the location indicated, or whether certain elementary flows or intermediate product flows are extrapolated from another geographical area. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Technological representativeness | technology | r | [0,1] | Provides information about the technological representativeness of the data set. | |
Technology description including background system | technologyDescriptionAndIncludedProcesses | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of the technological characteristics including operating conditions of the process or product system. For the latter this includes the relevant upstream and downstream processes included in the data set. Professional terminology should be used. |
Included data sets | referenceToIncludedProcesses | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Process data set(s)" included in this data set, if any and available as separate data set(s). |
Technical purpose of product or process | technologicalApplicability | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of the intended / possible applications of the good, service, or process. E.g. for which type of products the material, represented by this data set, is used. Examples: "This high purity chemical is used for analytical laboratories only." or "This technical quality bulk chemical is used for large scale synthesis in chemical industry.". Or: "This truck is used only for long-distance transport of liquid bulk chemicals". |
Pictogramme of technology | referenceToTechnologyPictogramme | o | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the pictogramme of the good, service, technogy, plant etc. represented by this data set. For use in graphical user interfaces of LCA software. |
Flow diagramm(s) or picture(s) | referenceToTechnologyFlowDiagrammOrPicture | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the flow diagramm(s) and/or photo(s) of the good, service, technology, plant etc represented by this data set. For clearer illustration and documentation of data set. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Mathematical model | mathematicalRelations | o | [0,1] | A set of formulas that allows to model the amount of single exchanges in the input and output list in dependency of each other and/or in dependency of parameters. Used to provide a process model ("parameterized process") for calculation of inventories in dependency of user settings of e.g. yield, efficiency of abatement measures, processing of different educts, etc. | |
Model description | modelDescription | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of the model(s) represented in this section of mathematical relations. Can cover information on restrictions, model strenghts and weaknesses, etc. (Note: Also see information provided on the level of the individual formula in field "Comment" and in the general process description in the fields in section "Technology".) |
Variable / parameter | variableParameter | o | [0,n] | Name of variable or parameter used as scaling factors for the "Mean amount" of individual inputs or outputs of the data set. | |
Name of variable | @name | o | MatV | Name of variable or parameter used as scaling factors for the "Mean amount" of individual inputs or outputs of the data set. | |
Formula | formula | o | [0,1] | MatR | Mathematical expression that determines the value of a variable. [Note: A parameter is defined by entering the value manually into the field "Mean value" and this field can be left empty.] |
Mean value | meanValue | o | [0,1] | Real | Parameter value entered by user OR in case a formula is given in the "Formula" field, the result of the formula for the variable is displayed here. |
Minimum value | minimumValue | o | [0,1] | Real | Minimum value permissible for this parameter. For variables this field is empty. |
Maximum value | maximumValue | o | [0,1] | Real | Maximum value permissible for this parameter. For variables this field is empty. |
Uncertainty distribution type | uncertaintyDistributionType | o | [0,1] | UncertaintyDistributionTypeValues undefinedProbability distribution information not available. log-normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose logarithm is normally distributed. normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose value is normally distributed around the mean of zero. triangularProbability distribution of any random parameter between minimum value and maximum value with the highest probability at the average value of minimum plus maximum value. Linear change of probability between minimum, maximum and average value. uniformContinuous uniform probability distribution between minimum value and maximum value and "0" probability beyond these. |
Defines the kind of uncertainty distribution that is valid for this particular object or parameter. |
Relative StdDev in % | relativeStandardDeviation95In | o | [0,1] | Perc | The resulting overall uncertainty of the calculated variable value considering uncertainty of measurements, modelling, appropriateness etc. [Notes: For log-normal distribution the square of the geometric standard deviation (SDg^2) is stated. Mean value times SDg^2 equals the 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value divided by SDg^2 equals the 2.5% value (= Minimum value). For normal distribution the doubled standard deviation value (2*SD) is entered. Mean value plus 2*SD equals 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value minus 2*SD equals 2.5% value (= Minimum value). This data field remains empty when uniform or triangular uncertainty distribution is applied.] |
Comment, units, defaults | comment | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Comment or description of variable or parameter. Typically including its unit and default values, e.g. in the pattern <[unit] description; defaults; comments>. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Modelling and validation | modellingAndValidation | r | [0,1] | Covers the five sub-sections 1) LCI method and allocation, 2) Data sources, treatment and representativeness, 3) Completeness, 4) Validation, and 5) Compliance. (Section refers to LCI modelling and data treatment aspects etc., NOT the modeling of e.g. the input/output-relationships of a parameterised data set.) | |
LCI method and allocation | LCIMethodAndAllocation | r | [0,1] | LCI methodological modelling aspects including allocation / substitution information. | |
Type of data set | typeOfDataSet | r | [0,1] | TypeOfProcessValues Unit process, single operationUnit operation type unit process that can not be further subdivided. Covers multi-functional processes of unit operation type. Unit process, black boxProcess-chain or plant level unit process. This covers horizontally averaged unit processes across different sites. Covers also those multi-functional unit processes, where the different co-products undergo different processing steps within the black box, hence causing allocation-problems for this data set. LCI resultAggregated data set of the complete or partial life cycle of a product system that next to the elementary flows (and possibly not relevant amounts of waste flows and radioactive wastes) lists in the input/output list exclusively the product(s) of the process as reference flow(s), but no other goods or services. E.g. cradle-to-gate and cradle-to-grave data sets. Check also the definition of "Partly terminated system". Partly terminated systemAggregated data set with however at least one product flow in the input/output list that needs further modelling, in addition to the reference flow(s). E.g. a process of an injection moulding machine with one open "Electricity" input product flow that requires the LCA practitioner to saturate with an Electricity production LCI data set (e.g. of the country where the machine is operated). Note that also aggregated process data sets that include relevant amounts of waste flows for which the waste management has not been modelled yet are "partly terminated system" data sets. Avoided product systemData set with all flows set to negative values OR all inputs be made to outputs and vice versa; i.e. a negative/inverted inventory (can be unit process, LCI result, or other type). Used in system expansion/substitution for consequential modelling. |
Type of the data set regarding systematic inclusion/exclusion of upstream or downstream processes, transparency and internal (hidden) multi-functionality, and the completeness of modelling. |
LCI method principle | LCIMethodPrinciple | r | [0,1] | LCIMethodPrincipleValues AttributionalThe process or product system is modeled in a strictly descriptive way using the employed specific or average technologies, market mixes, and time as occurring. This excludes the substitution of e.g. the burdens of co-products or of electricity produced from waste incineration and the modelling of consequences in the market. Data not related to or suitable for decision making but monitoring only. (Synonyms: descriptive, average, non-marginal, book-keeping.) ConsequentialThe process or product system is modeled considering the consequences it's production causes, assuming this additional demand results in additional production of the required materials, energy carriers, components etc. Typically the expected/assumed marginal change in the production of the named product, technology, market and time including for the background system. Depending on the specific consequential approach also other consequences in the economy's or global production system are considered. Substitution of co-products is one component often used in consequential modeling. Details are given in "Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations". Example: if a new product variant B requires more electricity in its use phase than the actual product A, it is assumed, that this additional electricity comes exclusively from natural gas combined-heat-and-power plants, as these are argued to be the actual marginal (i.e. additional) technology for electricity production installed to satisfy additional demand. Note that allocation is (generally) not appropriate under consequential modeling. Consequential with attributional componentsThe process or product system is in principal modeled considering the consequences it's production causes. However, in most cases e.g. due to rebound effects and the elasticity of the economy, the system is de-facto largely modelled as an attributional system, i.e. using allocation instead of system expansion for multifunctional processes. Details given in "Deviations from LCI method principle /explanations". [Note: Components that are often modeled in a consequential way are the recycling of materials and energy recovery. Also compare with the definitions of "Consequential" and "Attributional" modelling.] Not applicableProcess without multi-functionality or product system without any multi-functional process included. OtherAnother LCI method approach is used. This is named in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations" where also additional information is given. |
LCI method principle followed in the product system modelling, i.e. regarding using average data (= attributional = non-marginal) or modelling effects in a change-oriented way (= consequential = marginal). |
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations | deviationsFromLCIMethodPrinciple | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short description of any deviations from the general "LCI method principles" and additional explanations. Refers especially to specific processes/cases where the stated "attributional" or "consequential" approach was not applied. Or where deviations were made from any specific rules for applying the "Consequential with attributional components" approach. A reference to the "Intended application" of the data collection can be made here, too. Allocated co-products may be reported here as well. In case of no (quantitatively relevant) deviations from the LCI method principle, "none" should be stated. |
LCI method approaches | LCIMethodApproaches | r | [0,n] | LCIMethodApproachesValues Allocation - market valueMarket-value based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the function (i.e. good or service) of the product system under study. Allocation - gross calorific valueGross calorific value based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. Allocation - net calorific valueNet (lower) calorific value based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. Allocation - exergetic contentExergetic content based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. Allocation - element contentChemical element content based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. One specific chemical element is chosen for allocation. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Allocation - massMass based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. Allocation - volumeVolume based partitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the good of the product system under study. Allocation - ability to bearPartitioning of the input and output flows of multi-functional processes to the function (i.e. good or service) of the product system under study, according to the assumed ability of that product to bear the environmental burden under market competitiveness conditions. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". [Note: Also here the sum of burdens of all co-functions together is to be 100% of the total burden.] Allocation - marginal causalityPartitioning of all INDIVIDUAL input or output flows of multi-functional processes to the function of the product system under study, according to the marginal causality that small changes of the relative amounts of the co-functions have on the amount of the respective individual input or output flow. Additional information/details are given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". E.g. (illustrative, virtual example): Dioxin emissions of a mixed waste incineration process are allocated proportionally to the carbon and chlorine content of the different wastes, according to the marginal changes in Dioxin emissions that result from a marginal/small change in the carbon and chlorine composition of the incinerated mixed waste. Allocation - physical causalityPartitioning of all INDIVIDUAL input or output flows of multi-functional processes to the function of the product system under study, according to the physical causality that the co-functions have on the amount of the respective individual input or output flow. Additional information/details are given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". E.g. (illustrative, virtual example): all energy carrier input is allocated 100% to the only energy-containing co-product, while the non-energy containing, second Chromium-containing co-product receives 100% of the Chromium emissions and Chromium resource elementary flows. Allocation - 100% to main functionOne user-defined and justified main function of the multi-functional processes is allocated 100% of all other input and output flows. Other co-functions are hence free of burden. Allocation - other explicit assignmentThe individual input or output flows of multi-functional processes are assigned to the co-functions based on other criteria than those listed under the other "Allocation - ..." criteria. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Allocation - equal distributionAll functions of a multi-functional process carry the same share of the other input or output flows. Independent of mass or other properties of products or educts, only the number of functions is considered (e.g. service output 1 receives 50% of the burdens, service 2 receives 50% of the burdens). Substitution - BATThose function(s) of multi-functional processes that are not part of the product system under study are substituted by "Avoided product system(s)", i.e. by the inverted or negative LCI result of the respective function(s). The "Avoided product system" is modelled as "Best available technology" (BAT). Additional information on the used BAT technologies used is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Substitution - average, market price correctionThose function(s) of multi-functional processes that are not part of the product system under study are substituted by "Avoided product system(s)", i.e. by the inverted or negative LCI result of the respective function(s). The "Avoided product system" is modelled as average market mix of production, with a market price correction for different market values of the substituted product system. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Substitution - average, technical properties correctionThose function(s) of multi-functional processes that are not part of the product system under study are substituted by "Avoided product system(s)", i.e. by the inverted or negative LCI result of the respective function(s). The "Avoided product system" is modelled as average market mix of production, with correction for different technical properties (e.g. fibre length, tensile stength, etc.) of the substituted product system. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Allocation - recycled contentEnd-of-life products and wastes are cut-off in so far as recyclable materials and energy contents are handed over free of burden to subsequent uses/product systems, which however carry the burden of the recycling and related activities, transport etc. The amount of secondary materials and energy input into the first product system is modelled as is the content amount of these secondary resources in the product. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Substitution - recycling potentialEnd-of-life products and wastes are modelled to the secondary materials and recovered energy, which replace the respective primary production. The burden of the recycling and related activities, transport etc. are carried by the first product system. The substitution of primary production according to the first products recycling potential is typically corrected by the (lower) market price or technical quality of the secondary materials/energy carriers, if applicable. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Substitution - average, no correctionThose function(s) of multi-functional processes that are not part of the product system under study are substituted by "Avoided product system(s)", i.e. by the inverted or negative LCI result of the respective function(s). The "Avoided product system" is modelled as average market mix of production, without any correction factor of the substituted product system. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Substitution - specificThose function(s) of multi-functional processes that are not part of the product system under study are substituted by "Avoided product system(s)", i.e. by the inverted or negative LCI result of the respective function(s). The "Avoided product system" is modelled as a specific product or process, that is found to be replaced. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Consequential effects - otherThe Product system is modelled considering other or additional consequences in the economy, such as e.g. consumption or behavioral changes, or other effects even on other product systems that are not part of the one under study. Additional information is given in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". Not applicableProcess without multi-functionality or product system without any multi-functional process included. OtherAnother LCI method approach is used. This is named in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations" where also additional information is given. |
Names briefly the specific approach(es) used in LCI modeling, e.g. allocation, substitution etc. In case of LCI results and Partly terminated system data sets this also covers those applied in the included background system. |
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations | deviationsFromLCIMethodApproaches | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of relevant deviations from the applied approaches as well as of the relevant specific approaches that were applied, including in an possibly included background system. Further explanations and details of the allocation, substitution and other consequential approaches applied for relevant processes, e.g. how the marginal substitute was identified, year and region of which market prices were used in market allocation, i.e. method, procedure, data/information details. In case of no (result relevant) deviations from the before stated LCI method approaches, and in case of no need for further explanations, "none" is entered. |
Modelling constants | modellingConstants | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short identification and description of constants applied in LCI modelling other than allocation / substitution, e.g. systematic setting of recycling quota, use of gross or net calorific value, etc. |
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations | deviationsFromModellingConstants | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short description of data set specific deviations from the "Modelling constants" if any, including in the possibly included background system. |
LCA methodology report | referenceToLCAMethodDetails | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set"(s) where the generally used LCA methods including the LCI method principles and specific approaches, the modelling constants details, as well as any other applied methodological conventions are described. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Data sources, treatment, and representativeness | dataSourcesTreatmentAndRepresentativeness | r | [0,1] | Data selection, completeness, and treatment principles and procedures, data sources and market coverage information. | |
Data cut-off and completeness principles | dataCutOffAndCompletenessPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Principles applied in data collection regarding completeness of (also intermediate) product and waste flows and of elementary flows. Examples are: cut-off rules, systematic exclusion of infrastructure, services or auxiliaries, etc. systematic exclusion of air in incineration processes, coling water, etc. |
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations | deviationsFromCutOffAndCompletenessPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short description of any deviations from the "Data completeness principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. |
Data selection and combination principles | dataSelectionAndCombinationPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Principles applied in data selection and in combination of data from different sources. Includes brief discussion of consistency of data sources regarding data itself, modelling, appropriateness. In case of averaging: Principles and data selection applied in horizontal and / or vertical averaging. |
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations | deviationsFromSelectionAndCombinationPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short description of any deviations from the "Data selection and combination principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. |
Data treatment and extrapolations principles | dataTreatmentAndExtrapolationsPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Principles applied regarding methods, sources, and assumptions done in data adjustment including extrapolations of data from another time period, another geographical area, or another technology. |
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations | deviationsFromTreatmentAndExtrapolationPrinciples | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Short description of any deviations from the " Data treatment and extrapolations principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. (Note: If data representative for one "Location" is used for another "Location", its original representativity can be indicated here; see field "Percentage supply or production covered".) |
Data handling report | referenceToDataHandlingPrinciples | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set"(s) of the source(s) in which the data completeness, selection, combination, treatment, and extrapolations principles' details are described |
Data source(s) used for this data set | referenceToDataSource | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set"(s) of the source(s) used for deriving/compiling the inventory of this data set e.g. questionnaires, monographies, plant operation protocols, etc. For LCI results and Partly terminated systems the sources for relevant background system data are to be given, too. For parameterised data sets the sources used for the parameterisation / mathematical relations in the section "Mathematical model" are referenced here as well. [Note: If the data set stems from another database or data set publication and is only re-published: identify the origin of a converted data set in "Converted original data set from:" field in section "Data entry by" and its unchanged re-publication in "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and ownership". The data sources used to model a converted or re-published data set are nevertheless to be given here in this field, for transparency reasons.] |
Percentage supply or production covered | percentageSupplyOrProductionCovered | r | [0,1] | Perc | Percentage of the overall supply, consumption, or production of the specific good, service, or technology represented by this data set, in the region/market of the stated "Location". For multi-functional processes the market share of the specific technology is stated. If data that is representative for a process operated in one "Location" is used for another "Location", the entry is '0'. The representativity for the original "Location" is documented in the field "Deviation from data treatment and extrapolation principles, explanations". |
Annual supply or production volume | annualSupplyOrProductionVolume | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Supply / consumption or production volume of the specific good, service, or technology in the region/market of the stated "Location". The market volume is given in absolute numbers per year, in common units, for the stated "Reference year". For multi-fucntional processes the data should be given for all co-functions (good and services). |
Sampling procedure | samplingProcedure | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Sampling procedure used for quantifying the amounts of Inputs and Outputs. Possible problems in combining different sampling procedures should be mentioned. |
Data collection period | dataCollectionPeriod | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Date(s) or time period(s) when the data was collected. Note that this does NOT refer to e.g. the publication dates of papers or books from which the data may stem, but to the original data collection period. |
Uncertainty adjustments | uncertaintyAdjustments | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Description of methods, sources, and assumptions made in uncertainty adjustment. [Note: For data sets where the additional uncertainty due to lacking representativeness has been included in the quantified uncertainty values, this field also reports the original representativeness, the additional uncertainty, and the procedure by which the overall uncertainty was assessed or calculated.] |
Use advice for data set | useAdviceForDataSet | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Specific methodological advice for data set users that requires attention. E.g. on inclusion/exclusion of recycling e.g. in material data sets, specific use phase behavior to be modelled, and other methodological advices. See also field "Technological applicability". |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Completeness | completeness | o | [0,1] | Data completeness aspects for this specific data set. | |
Completeness product model | completenessProductModel | r | [0,1] | CompletenessValues All relevant flows quantifiedAll relevant flows are recorded. [Note: This does not consider yet the quality or representativeness of the data.] Relevant flows missingOne or more relevant flows are not recorded respectively not quantified. [Note: These flows should be found in the Inputs and Outputs with mean amount "0" and marked as "Missing relevant" in the field "Data derivation type/status".] Topic not relevantFlow is not relevant for the specific mid-point problem field. E.g. it is an elementary flow such as "Carbon dioxide emissions to air" which does not contribute to "Human toxicity" or it is a product flow. No statementUnclear, not stated. |
Completeness of coverage of relevant product, waste and elementary flows. [Notes: For LCI results and Partly terminated systems this means throughout the underlying product system model. "Relevant" refers to the overall environmental relevance, i.e. for unit processes including the upstream and downstream burdens of product and waste flows.] |
Supported impact assessment methods | referenceToSupportedImpactAssessmentMethods | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "LCIA methods data sets" that can be applied to the elementary flows in the Inputs and Outputs section, i.e. ALL these flows are referenced by the respective LCIA method data set (if they are of environmental relevance and a characterisation factor is defined for the respective flow). [Note: Applicability is not given if the inventoty contains some elementary flows with the same meaning as referenced in the LCIA method data set but in a different nomenclature (and hence carry no characterisation factor), or if the flows are sum indicators or flow groups that are addressed differently in the LCIA method data set.] |
Completeness elementary flows, per topic | completenessElementaryFlows | r | [0,n] | Completeness of the elementary flows in the Inputs and Outputs section of this data set from impact perspective, regarding addressing the individual mid-point problem field / impact category given. The completeness refers to the state-of-the-art of scientific knowledge whether or not an individual elementary flow contributes to the respective mid-point topic in a relevant way, which is e.g. the basis for the ILCD reference elementary flows. [Note: The "Completeness" statement does not automatically mean that related LCIA methods exist or reference the elementary flows of this data set. Hence for direct applicability of existing LCIA methods, check the field "Supported LCIA method data sets".] | |
completeness type | @type | r | CompletenessTypeValues Climate changeClimate change / global warming Ozone depletionStratospheric ozone layer depletion Summer smogPhotochemical oxidant creation / summer smog / tropospheric ozone formation EutrophicationEutrophication of land and water bodies AcidificationAcidification of land and water bodies Human toxicityHuman toxicity (EXcluding ionising radiation and respiratory inorganics) Freshwater ecotoxicityFreshwater eco-toxicity (EXcluding ionising radiation) Seawater eco-toxicitySeawater eco-toxicity (EXcluding ionising radiation) Terrestric eco-toxicityTerrestric eco-toxicity (EXcluding ionising radiation) RadioactivityRadioactivity / ionising radiation Land useLand use (occupation and transformation) Non-renewable material resource depletionNon-renewable material resource depletion Renewable material resource consumptionRenewable material resource consumption Non-renewable primary energy depletionNon-renewable primary energy depletion Renewable primary energy consumptionRenewable primary energy consumption Particulate matter/respiratory inorganicsParticulate matter/respiratory inorganics Species depletionDepletion of gentic resources by consumption of specific animal and plant species NoiseNoise |
Impact category for which the completeness information is stated. | |
value | @value | r | CompletenessValues All relevant flows quantifiedAll relevant flows are recorded. [Note: This does not consider yet the quality or representativeness of the data.] Relevant flows missingOne or more relevant flows are not recorded respectively not quantified. [Note: These flows should be found in the Inputs and Outputs with mean amount "0" and marked as "Missing relevant" in the field "Data derivation type/status".] Topic not relevantFlow is not relevant for the specific mid-point problem field. E.g. it is an elementary flow such as "Carbon dioxide emissions to air" which does not contribute to "Human toxicity" or it is a product flow. No statementUnclear, not stated. |
Completeness value for the given impact category. | |
Completeness other problem field(s) | completenessOtherProblemField | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Completeness of coverage of elementary flows that contribute to other problem fields that are named here as free text, preferably using the same terminology as for the specified environmental problems. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Validation | validation | r | [0,1] | Review / validation information on data set. | |
Review | review | r | [0,n] | Review information on data set. | |
Type of review | @type | r | TypeOfReviewValues Dependent internal reviewReviewer(s)/verifier(s) have been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have commissioned or financed the work, or represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). Independent internal reviewReviewer(s)/verifier(s) have NOT been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have not commissioned or financed the work, and do not represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). But the reviewer(s) belong(s) to the organisation(s) or legally linked organisation(s) that have been involved in the above. Independent external reviewReviewer(s)/verifier(s) do not belong to the organisations or legally linked organisations that have been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have not commissioned or financed the work, or represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). Accredited third party reviewReviewer(s)/verifier(s) do not belong to the organisations or legally linked organisations that have been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have not commissioned or financed the work, or represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). The reviewer(s)/verifier(s) are accredited by an accreditation body, that is independent of the reviewer(s)/verifier(s) and the scheme operator or standardisation party. Independent review panelPanel of at least three independent internal or external reviewers/verfiers. Chairperson is independent external reviewer/verifier. Chairperson may invite interested parties affected by the conclusions drawn from the LCA, such as government agencies, non-governmental groups, competitors and affected industries. [Notes: "Independent": Reviewer(s)/verifier(s) have NOT been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have not commissioned or financed the work, and do not represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). "External": Reviewer(s)/verifier(s) do not belong to the organisations or legally linked organisations that have been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have not commissioned or financed the work, or represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it). Not reviewedThe data set was not / not yet reviewed. |
Type of review that has been performed regarding independency and type of review process. | |
Scope of review | scope | r | [0,n] | Scope of review regarding which aspects and components of the data set was reviewed or verified. In case of aggregated e.g. LCI results also and on which level of detail (e.g. LCI results only, included unit processes, ...) the review / verification was performed. | |
Scope name | @name | r | ScopeOfReviewValues Raw dataReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Unit process(es), single operationThe review is done on the level of the "Unit operation type unit process(es)" that can not be further subdivided. Covers multi-functional processes of unit operation type. Unit process(es), black boxThe review is done on the level of process-chain(s) or plant level unit process(es). This covers horizontally averaged unit processes across different sites. Covers also those multi-functional unit processes, where the different co-products undergo different processing steps within the black box. LCI results or Partly terminated systemThe LCI result or Partly terminated system is the level of review/verification. LCIA resultsThe LCIA results of the LCI result or Partly terminated system data set are reviewed/verified, i.e. on level of Climate Change potential, Primary energy consumption, Ecosystem damage etc. [Note: see also definition for entry "LCIA results calculation".] DocumentationEvidence collection by means of documentation (e.g. data set's meta data, background report) Life cycle inventory methodsThe application of the LCI method(s) in accordance to the goal and scope have been reviewed. This covers data collection including dealing with missing data, data calculation/modelling principles (e.g. consequential or attributional or other/combination), and the application of the related modelling approaches such as allocation and system expansion etc. for the process / throughout the product system. LCIA results calculationThe selection and application of the LCIA method(s) that have been used for calculation of the LCIA results have been reviewed. This especially refers to a correspondance of the elementary flows in the Inputs and Outputs of the product system with the once referenced by the applied LCIA method(s) regarding e.g. correct assignment, coverage/gaps, doublecounting, etc. [Note: See also definition for entry "LCIA results".] Goal and scope definitionReview/verification is done regarding e.g. goal definition, subsequent scope definition and corresponding product system description, appropriate identification and definition of function and functional unit, system boundary and cut-off criteria setting, choice of appropriate LCI modelling principles and approaches for multi-functional processes. |
Method(s) of review | method | r | [0,n] | Validation method(s) used in the respective "Scope of review". | |
Method name | @name | r | MethodOfReviewValues Validation of data sourcesAnalysis of all data sources declared, checking their context-specific correct use as well as their relevance and quality. Sample tests on calculationsValues in the inventory are re-calculated from the raw data, or other calculations are validated exemplarily, e.g. scaling, averaging, summing up, stochiometric calculations, formulas in the mathematical models, etc. Energy balanceThe energy balance (e.g. gross or net calorific value or exergy) of the Inputs and Outputs is validated. [Note: For processes that have undergone allocation or consequential modeling the value of this review method is limited.] Element balanceThe balance of the relevant chemical elements of the Inputs and Outputs is calculated and validated. The validated elements should be named in the review comments. [Note: For processes that have undergone allocation or consequential modeling the value of this review method is limited.] Cross-check with other sourceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature). Cross-check with other data setComparison with similar process or product system from the same or from other sources (can be both database and literature). Expert judgementAnalysis by means of expert opinions. The expert(s) have methodological and detailed technical expertise on the item to be verified and the process or product system in question. Mass balanceThe mass balance of the Inputs and Outputs is validated. [Note: For processes that have undergone allocation or consequential modeling the value of this review method is limited.] Compliance with legal limitsRegulated Inputs and Outputs e.g. emission data are validated for compliance with legal limits, typically after relating and scaling the data to the regulated processes/sites etc. Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044Methodological compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044 was checked by an LCA expert. DocumentationEvidence collection by means of documentation (e.g. data set's meta data, background report) Evidence collection by means of plant visits and/or interviewsInterviews and/or plant visits are performed to validate data and other informtion, tyically in case of inconsistencies, uncertainties, or doubts. People interviewed have detailed technical expertise on the analysed process(es). |
Method name | |
Data quality indicators | dataQualityIndicators | r | [0,1] | Data quality indicators serve to provide the reviewed key information on the data set in a defined, computer-readable (and hence searchable) form. This serves to support LCA practitioners to identify/select the highest quality and most appropriate data sets. | |
Data quality indicator | dataQualityIndicator | r | [1,n] | Data quality indicators serve to provide the reviewed key information on the data set in a defined, computer-readable (and hence searchable) form. This serves to support LCA practitioners to identify/select the highest quality and most appropriate data sets. | |
Name of data quality indicator | @name | r | DataQualityIndicatorValues Technological representativenessDegree to which the data set reflects the true population of interest regarding technology, including for included background data sets, if any. Time representativenessDegree to which the data set reflects the true population of interest regarding time / age of the data, including for included background data sets, if any. Geographical representativenessDegree to which the data set reflects the true population of interest regarding geography such as e.g. country or site, including for included background data sets, if any. CompletenessShare of (elementary) flows that are quantitatively included in the inventory. Note that also the completeness of interim product and waste flows in the product model contributes to the overall completeness of the inventory. PrecisionMeasure of the variability of the data values for each data expressed (e.g. low variance = high precision). Methodological appropriateness and consistencyThe applied LCI methods and methodological choices (e.g. allocation, substitution, etc.) are in line with the goal and scope of the data set, especially its intended applications and decision support context (e.g. monitoring, product-specific decision support, strategic long-term decision support). The methods also have been consistently applied across all data including for included processes, if any. Overall qualityThe degree to which the data set’s overall representativeness, completeness, precision as well as methodological appropriateness and consistency reflects the reality the data set is representing. |
Name of indicator | |
Value of data quality indicator | @value | r | QualityValues Very goodMeets the criterium to a very high degree, having or no relevant need for improvement. This is to be judged in view of the criterium's contribution to the data set's potential overall environmental impact and in comparison to an ideal situation. GoodMeets the criterium to a high degree, having little yet significant need for improvement. This is to be judged in view of the criterium's contribution to the data set's potential overall environmental impact and in comparison to an ideal situation. FairMeets the criterium to a still sufficient degree, while having the need for improvement. This is to be judged in view of the criterium's contribution to the data set's potential overall environmental impact and in comparison to an ideal situation. PoorDoes not meet the criterium to a sufficient degree, having the need for relevant improvement. This is to be judged in view of the criterium's contribution to the data set's potential overall environmental impact and in comparison to an ideal situation. Very poorDoes not at all meet the criterium, having the need for very substantial improvement. This is to be judged in view of the criterium's contribution to the data set's potential overall environmental impact and in comparison to an ideal situation. Not evaluated / unknownThis criterium was not reviewed or its quality could not be verified. Not applicableProcess without multi-functionality or product system without any multi-functional process included. |
Value of indicator | |
Review details | reviewDetails | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Summary of the review. All the following items should be explicitly addressed: Representativeness, completeness, and precision of Inputs and Outputs for the process in its documented location, technology and time i.e. both completeness of technical model (product, waste, and elementary flows) and completeness of coverage of the relevant problem fields (environmental, human health, resource use) for this specific good, service, or process. Plausibility of data. Correctness and appropriateness of the data set documentation. Appropriateness of system boundaries, cut-off rules, LCI modelling choices such as e.g. allocation, consistency of included processes and of LCI methodology. If the data set comprises pre-calculated LCIA results, the correspondence of the Input and Output elementary flows (including their geographical validity) with the applied LCIA method(s) should be addressed by the reviewer. An overall quality statement on the data set may be included here. |
Reviewer name and institution | referenceToNameOfReviewerAndInstitution | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of reviewer. The full name of reviewer(s) and institution(s) as well as a contact address and/or email should be provided in that contact data set. |
Subsequent review comments | otherReviewDetails | o | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Further information from the review process, especially comments received from third parties once the data set has been published or additional reviewer comments from an additional external review. |
Complete review report | referenceToCompleteReviewReport | r | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the complete review report. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Compliance declarations | complianceDeclarations | r | [0,1] | Statements on compliance of several data set aspects with compliance requirements as defined by the referenced compliance system (e.g. an EPD scheme, handbook of a national or international data network such as the ILCD, etc.). | |
Compliance | compliance | r | [1,n] | one compliance declaration | |
Compliance system name | referenceToComplianceSystem | r | [1,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the "Compliance system" that is declared to be met by the data set. |
Approval of overall compliance | approvalOfOverallCompliance | o | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Official approval whether or not and in how far the data set meets all the requirements of the "Compliance system" refered to. This approval should be issued/confirmed by the owner of that compliance system, who is identified via the respective "Contact data set". |
Nomenclature compliance | nomenclatureCompliance | r | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Nomenclature compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to. |
Methodological compliance | methodologicalCompliance | r | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Methodological compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to. |
Review compliance | reviewCompliance | r | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Review/Verification compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to. |
Documentation compliance | documentationCompliance | r | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Documentation/Reporting compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to. |
Quality compliance | qualityCompliance | r | [0,1] | ComplianceValues Fully compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system". Not compliantDoes not meet all requirements of this compliance aspect, as defined for the respective "Compliance system". Not definedFor this compliance aspect the named "Compliance system" has not defined compliance requirements. |
Quality compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Administrative information | administrativeInformation | r | [0,1] | Information on data set management and administration. | |
Commissioner and goal | commissionerAndGoal | r | [0,1] | Basic information about goal and scope of the data set. | |
Commissioner of data set | referenceToCommissioner | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of the commissioner / financing party of the data collection / compilation and of the data set modelling. For groups of commissioners, each single organisation should be named. For data set updates and for direct use of data from formerly commissioned studies, also the original commissioner should be named. |
Project | project | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | Project within which the data set was modelled in its present version. [Note: If the project was published e.g. as a report, this can be referenced in the "Publication of data set in:" field in the "Publication and ownership" sub-section. |
Intended applications | intendedApplications | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Documentation of the intended application(s) of data collection and data set modelling. This indicates / includes information on the level of detail, the specifidity, and the quality ambition in the effort. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Data set generator / modeller | dataGenerator | r | [0,1] | Expert(s), that compiled and modelled the data set as well as internal administrative information linked to the data generation activity. | |
Data set generator / modeller | referenceToPersonOrEntityGeneratingTheDataSet | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of the person(s), working group(s), organisation(s) or database network, that generated the data set, i.e. being responsible for its correctness regarding methods, inventory, and documentative information. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Data entry by | dataEntryBy | r | [0,1] | Staff or entity, that documented the generated data set, entering the information into the database; plus administrative information linked to the data entry activity. | |
Time stamp (last saved) | timeStamp | r | [0,1] | dateTime | Date and time stamp of data set generation, typically an automated entry ("last saved"). |
Data set format(s) | referenceToDataSetFormat | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the used version of the ILCD format. If additional data format fields have been integrated into the data set file, using the "namespace" option, the used format namespace(s) are to be given. This is the case if the data sets carries additional information as specified by other, particular LCA formats, e.g. of other database networks or LCA softwares. |
Converted original data set from: | referenceToConvertedOriginalDataSetFrom | o | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the database or data set publication from which this data set has been obtained by conversion. This can cover e.g. conversion to a different format, applying a different nomenclature, mapping of flow names, conversion of units, etc. This may however not have changed or re-modeled the Inputs and Outputs, i.e. obtaining the same LCIA results. This entry is required for converted data sets stemming originally from other LCA databases (e.g. when re-publishing data from IISI, ILCD etc. databases). [Note: Identically re-published data sets are identied in the field "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and Ownership".] |
Data entry by: | referenceToPersonOrEntityEnteringTheData | o | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of the responsible person or entity that has documented this data set, i.e. entered the data and the descriptive information. |
Official approval of data set by producer/operator: | referenceToDataSetUseApproval | r | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set": Names exclusively the producer or operator of the good, service or technology represented by this data set, which officially has approved this data set in all its parts. In case of nationally or internationally averaged data sets, this will be the respective business association. If no official approval has been given, the entry "No official approval by producer or operator" is to be entered and the reference will point to an empty "Contact data set". [Notes: The producer or operator may only be named here, if a written approval of this data set was given. A recognition of this data set by any other organisation then the producer/operator of the good, service, or process is not to be stated here, but as a "review" in the validation section.] |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Publication and ownership | publicationAndOwnership | r | [0,1] | Information related to publication and version management of the data set including copyright and access restrictions. | |
Date of last revision | dateOfLastRevision | r | [0,1] | dateTime | Date when the data set was revised for the last time, typically manually set. |
Data set version | dataSetVersion | m | [1,1] | Version | Version number of data set. First two digits refer to major updates, the second two digits to minor revisions and error corrections etc. The third three digits are intended for automatic and internal counting of versions during data set development. Together with the data set's UUID, the "Data set version" uniquely identifies each data set. |
Preceding data set version | referenceToPrecedingDataSetVersion | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | Last preceding data set, which was replaced by this version. Either a URI of that data set (i.e. an internet address) or its UUID plus version number is given (or both). |
Permanent data set URI | permanentDataSetURI | r | [0,1] | anyURI | URI (i.e. an internet address) of the original of this data set. [Note: This equally globally unique identifier supports users and software tools to identify and retrieve the original version of a data set via the internet or to check for available updates. The URI must not represent an existing WWW address, but it should be unique and point to the data access point, e.g. by combining the data owner's www path with the data set's UUID, e.g.] |
Workflow and publication status | workflowAndPublicationStatus | o | [0,1] | WorkflowAndPublicationStatusValues Working draftData set is in preliminary status of on-going development. Final draft for internal reviewData set is finished and ready for internal review. Final draft for external reviewData set is ready for an external review (after a potential internal review and correction if required). Data set finalised; unpublishedData set is finalised (with or without an internal and/or external review and correction if required), but it is not or not yet published. Under revisionData set is under revision and the publication of the revised data set is foreseen. WithdrawnData set has been withdrawn and must not be used anymore. For details contact the "Data set owner". Data set finalised; subsystems publishedData set is finalised (with or without an internal and/or external review and correction if required), and sub-system(s) / included processes have been published. Data set finalised; entirely publishedData set is finalised (with or without an internal and/or external review and correction if required), and was entirely published. |
Workflow or publication status of data set. Details e.g. of foreseen publication dates should be provided on request by the "Data set owner". |
Unchanged re-publication of: | referenceToUnchangedRepublication | o | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of the publication, in which this data set was published for the first time. [Note: This refers to exactly this data set as it is, without any format conversion, adjustments, flow name mapping, etc. In case this data set was modified/converted, the original source is documented in "Converted original data set from:" in section "Data entry by".] |
Registration authority | referenceToRegistrationAuthority | o | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of the authority that has registered this data set. |
Registration number | registrationNumber | o | [0,1] | String | A unique identifying number for this data set issued by the registration authority. |
Owner of data set | referenceToOwnershipOfDataSet | r | [0,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of the person or entity who owns this data set. (Note: this is not necessarily the publisher of the data set.) |
Copyright? | copyright | r | [0,1] | boolean | Indicates whether or not a copyright on the data set exists. Decided upon by the "Owner of data set". [Note: See also field "Access and use restrictions".] |
Entities or persons with exclusive access to this data set | referenceToEntitiesWithExclusiveAccess | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Contact data set" of those entities or persons (or groups of these), to which an exclusive access to this data set is granted. Mainly intended to be used in confidentiality management in projects. [Note: See also field "Access and use restrictions".] |
License type | licenseType | r | [0,1] | LicenseTypeValues Free of charge for all users and usesThis data set can be freely accessed and used by all user types and for all uses, including for commercial purposes Free of charge for some user types or use typesThis data set can be accessed free of charge for certain user types, such as academic institutions, students, public administration/government, etc., or for certain types of uses, e.g. not-for-profit. Details and license conditions are to be obtained from the "Data set owner" or electronically via the "Permanent URI", if implemented by data owner. Also see "Access and use restrictions". Free of charge for members onlyData set is accessible free of charge only for members. Membership itself must be for free, while not all user types may be able to become member. Membership conditions are to be obtained from the "Data set owner" or electronically via the "Permanent URI", if implemented by data owner. Also see "Access and use restrictions". License feeData set is accessible for a license fee. This can be a fee per data set, for a group of data sets, a whole database, or for obtaining a membership to get access to the data. Details and license conditions are to be obtained from the "Data set owner" or electronically via the "Permanent URI", if implemented by data owner. Also see "Access and use restrictions". OtherAnother LCI method approach is used. This is named in "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations" where also additional information is given. |
Type of license that applies to the access and use of this data set. |
Access and use restrictions | accessRestrictions | r | [0,1] | FTMultiLang | Access restrictions / use conditions for this data set as free text or referring to e.g. license conditions. In case of no restrictions "None" is entered. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Inputs and Outputs | exchanges | r | [0,1] | Input/Output list of exchanges with the quantitative inventory data, as well as pre-calculated LCIA results. | |
Inputs and Outputs | exchange | r | [0,n] | Input/Output list of exchanges with the quantitative inventory data as well as pre-calculated LCIA results. | |
Data set internal ID | @dataSetInternalID | r | Int6 | Automated entry: internal ID, used in the "Quantitative reference" section to identify the "Reference flow(s)" in case the quantitative reference of this Process data set is of this type. | |
Flow | referenceToFlowDataSet | r | [1,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "Flow data set" of this Input or Output. |
Location | location | o | [0,1] | String | Location where exchange of elementary flow occurs. Used only for those LCIA methods, that make use of this information. This information refers to the entry within the same field in the "Inputs and Outpts" section of the "Process or LCI result data set". |
functionType | o | [0,1] | ExchangeFunctionTypeValues General reminder flowReminder flow on the amount of (selected) product and waste flows of included processes. Purely informative flow for additional reporting that has already been fully considered in the inventory of the data set. Serves to document e.g. the total amount of hazardous waste generated over the life cycle of a product system. Allocation reminder flowReminder flow on allocated co-products that have been excluded during allocation when calculating the LCI results. Purely informative flow for additional reporting that has already been fully considered in the inventory of the data set. System expansion reminder flowReminder flow on excluded co-products that have been excluded in consequential modelling e.g. by system expansion / substitution when calculating the LCI results. |
Exchange direction | exchangeDirection | r | [0,1] | ExchangeDirectionValues InputFlow in input list of the process, e.g. resources from nature or energy carriers, or commodities and services entering from the technosphere. (In case the flow has an negative "resulting amount" value this is equivalent to belonging to the output list of the process.) OutputFlow in output list of the process, e.g. emissions to nature, or products and waste going to the technosphere into another process. (In case the flow has a negative "resulting amount" value this is equivalent to belonging to the input list of the process.) |
Direction of Input or Output flow. |
Variable | referenceToVariable | o | [0,1] | string | Data set internal reference to a variable or parameter name as defined in the section "Mathematical model". The value of this variable or parameter acts as linear multiplier to the value given in the field "Mean amount" to yield the "Resulting amount", which is the final value in the inventory. |
Mean amount | meanAmount | r | [1,1] | Real | Mean amount of the Input or Output. Only significant digits of the amount should be stated. |
Resulting amount | resultingAmount | r | [0,1] | Real | Final value to be used for calculation of the LCI results and in the product system: It is calculated as the product of the "Mean amount" value times the value of the "Variable". In case that no "Variable" entry is given, the "Resulting amount" is identical to the "Mean amount", i.e. a factor "1" is applied. |
Minimum amount | minimumAmount | o | [0,1] | Real | Minimum amount of the Input or Output in case the uncertainty distribution is uniform or triangular. In case of calculated LCI results and for the aggregated flows in Partly terminated system data sets, the lower end of the 95% likelihood range, i.e. the "2.5% value" can be reported in this field. |
Maximum amount | maximumAmount | o | [0,1] | Real | Maximum amount of the Input or Output in case the uncertainty distribution is uniform or triangular. In case of calculated LCI results and for the aggregated flows in Partly terminated system data sets, the upper end of the 95% likelihood range, i.e. the "97.5% value" can be reported in this field. |
Uncertainty distribution type | uncertaintyDistributionType | o | [0,1] | UncertaintyDistributionTypeValues undefinedProbability distribution information not available. log-normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose logarithm is normally distributed. normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose value is normally distributed around the mean of zero. triangularProbability distribution of any random parameter between minimum value and maximum value with the highest probability at the average value of minimum plus maximum value. Linear change of probability between minimum, maximum and average value. uniformContinuous uniform probability distribution between minimum value and maximum value and "0" probability beyond these. |
Defines the kind of uncertainty distribution that is valid for this particular object or parameter. |
Relative StdDev in % | relativeStandardDeviation95In | o | [0,1] | Perc | The resulting overall uncertainty of the calculated variable value considering uncertainty of measurements, modelling, appropriateness etc. [Notes: For log-normal distribution the square of the geometric standard deviation (SDg^2) is stated. Mean value times SDg^2 equals the 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value divided by SDg^2 equals the 2.5% value (= Minimum value). For normal distribution the doubled standard deviation value (2*SD) is entered. Mean value plus 2*SD equals 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value minus 2*SD equals 2.5% value (= Minimum value). This data field remains empty when uniform or triangular uncertainty distribution is applied.] |
Allocations | allocations | o | [0,1] | container tag for the specification of allocations if process has more than one reference product. Use only for multifunctional processes. | |
Allocation | allocation | o | [1,n] | specifies one allocation of this exchange (see the attributes of this tag below) | |
Internal reference to co-product | @internalReferenceToCoProduct | o | Int6 | Reference to one of the co-products. The applied allocation approach(es), details and and explanations are documented in the fields "LCI method approaches" and "Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations". [Notes: Applicable only to multifunctional processes. The documented allocated fractions are only applicable when using the data set for attributional modelling and are to be ignored for consequential modeling.] | |
Allocated fraction | @allocatedFraction | o | Perc | Fraction (expressed in %) of this Input or Output flow that is foreseen to be allocated to this co-product (recommended allocation). The numbers across the co-products should sum up to 100%. | |
Data source type | dataSourceType | o | [0,1] | DataSourceTypeValues PrimaryData stems exclusively from primary data source(s), i.e. was collected from owner or operator of the process (independently how the data was derived). > 90% primaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Over 90% of the averaged amount stems from primary data sources. Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. SecondaryData stems exclusively from secondary data source(s), i.e. from any type of publication, that is not co-authored by the owner or operator of the process (independently how the data was derived). |
Identifies the data source type of each single Input or Output as being "Primary", "Secondary", or "Mixed primary/secondary". |
Data derivation type / status | dataDerivationTypeStatus | o | [0,1] | DataDerivationTypeStatusValues MeasuredAll data was measured for the purpose of LCA or is meeting the related requirements (e.g. being quantiatively and qualitatively related to unit process and its quantitative reference/products, etc.). This includes calculated data with models based on measured plant data (but not exclusively theoretical calculations) as used e.g. in parameterised unit processes. CalculatedStochiometric or other theoretical relations were used to calculate the amount of this flow. [Note: Calculations that include quantiatively relevant expert judgement are of the type "Expert judgement".] EstimatedExpert judgement was used to derive the quantity of this flow. This includes the unmodified or corrected use of data from similar processes / technologies, times, or locations, as well as calculated values where the formulas/parameters include quantitatively relevant expert judgement. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable. Missing importantIndicates missing amount information for environmentally directly (elementary flow) or indirectly (product or waste flow) important Input or Output. As the "Mean amount" the value "0" is entered. Missing unimportantIndicates missing amount information for an however environmentally directly (elementary flow) or indirectly (product or waste flow) NOT relevant Input or Output. As the "Mean amount" the value "0" is entered. |
Identifies the way by which the individual Input / Output amount was derived (e.g. measured, estimated etc.), respectively the status and relevancy of missing data. |
Data source(s) | referencesToDataSource | o | [0,1] | "Source data set" of data source(s) used for the value of this specific Input or Output, especially if differing from the general data source used for this data set. | |
Data source(s) | referenceToDataSource | o | [0,n] | GlobalReferenceType | "Source data set" of data source(s) used for the value of this specific Input or Output, especially if differing from the general data source used for this data set. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Comment | generalComment | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | General comment on this specific Input or Output, e.g. commenting on the data sources used and their specific representatuveness etc., on the status of "finalisation" of an entry as workflow information, etc. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
LCIA results | LCIAResults | o | [0,1] | List with the pre-calculated LCIA results of the Input/Output list of this data set. May contain also inventory-type results such as primary energy consumption etc. | |
LCIA result | LCIAResult | o | [0,n] | Single LCIA result | |
LCIA method | referenceToLCIAMethodDataSet | o | [1,1] | GlobalReferenceType | "LCIA method data set" applied to calculate the LCIA results. |
Mean amount | meanAmount | o | [1,1] | Real | Mean amount of the LCIA result of the inventory, calculated for this LCIA method. Only significant digits should be stated. |
Uncertainty distribution type | uncertaintyDistributionType | o | [0,1] | UncertaintyDistributionTypeValues undefinedProbability distribution information not available. log-normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose logarithm is normally distributed. normalProbability distribution of any random parameter whose value is normally distributed around the mean of zero. triangularProbability distribution of any random parameter between minimum value and maximum value with the highest probability at the average value of minimum plus maximum value. Linear change of probability between minimum, maximum and average value. uniformContinuous uniform probability distribution between minimum value and maximum value and "0" probability beyond these. |
Defines the kind of uncertainty distribution that is valid for this LCIA result. |
Relative StdDev in % | relativeStandardDeviation95In | o | [0,1] | Perc | The resulting overall uncertainty of the calculated variable value considering uncertainty of measurements, modelling, appropriateness etc. [Notes: For log-normal distribution the square of the geometric standard deviation (SDg^2) is stated. Mean value times SDg^2 equals the 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value divided by SDg^2 equals the 2.5% value (= Minimum value). For normal distribution the doubled standard deviation value (2*SD) is entered. Mean value plus 2*SD equals 97.5% value (= Maximum value), Mean value minus 2*SD equals 2.5% value (= Minimum value). This data field remains empty when uniform or triangular uncertainty distribution is applied.] |
Comment | generalComment | o | [0,1] | StringMultiLang | General comment on this specific LCIA result, e.g. commenting on the correspondence of the inputs and outputs with the applied LCIA method etc. |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. | |
Other content | other | o | [0,1] | May contain arbitrary content. |