Legenda publication types: A=Articles in periodicals and books, B=Books, eB=eBooks, DS=datasets, STR=Scientific and Technical Research Reports, PID=Public information dcuments, RR=Reference Reports
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of alternative feedstocks for plastics production - Part 1: the Plastics LCA method | 2021 | Nessi, S., Sinkko, T., Bulgheroni, C., Garcia-Gutierrez, P., Giuntoli, J., Konti, A., Sanye Mengual, E., Tonini, D., Pant, R., Marelli, L. and Ardente, F.JRC Technical Report | |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of alternative feedstocks for plastics production – Part 2: illustrative case studies | 2022 | Nessi S., Sinkko T., Bulgheroni C., Garbarino E., Garcia-Gutierrez P., Giuntoli J., Konti A., Orveillon G., Sanye-Mengual E., Tonini D., Pant R., Marelli L., Ardente, F.JRC Technical Report | |