Issues related to existing or forthcoming regulations are covered by the following services:

Design for Recycling (DfR)

... implies the following requirements of a product: easy to dismantle, easy to obtain 'clean' material-fractions that can be recycled (e.g. iron and copper should be easy to separate), easy to remove parts/components that must be treated separately, use as few different materials as possible, mark the materials/polymers in order to sort them correctly, avoid surface treatment in order to keep the materials 'clean'. Doing so you may prepare your product for e.g. the WEEE and RoHS directives.

Energy-using Products directive (EuP)

Products such as electrical and electronic devices or heating equipment are covered by EU Directive 2005/32 that provides coherent EU-wide rules for eco-design and ensure that disparities among national regulations do not become obstacles to intra-EU trade. The Directive defines requirements regarding environmentally relevant product characteristics (such as energy consumption) and allows them to be improved quickly and efficiently.

Life cycle based environmental risk assessment

Integrated Life-Cycle and Risk Assessment covers the use of life-cycle assessment, risk assessment, and a combined framework of the two in the estimation of environmental damage, providing explanations of methods and descriptions of practical applications in the environmental analysis of industrial products.

Life cycle risk analysis

... evaluates the probability of adverse effects of a substance, industrial process, technology or natural process from a life cycle perspective.
