JRC study in support of developing Carbon Footprint rules of batteries

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is in charge of providing technical support to the development of the secondary legislation on the carbon footprint of batteries (CFB) in line with the requirements of the Article 7 and Annex II of the Batteries Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2023/1542). The CFB shall be declared for “rechargeable industrial batteries with a capacity above 2 kWh, light means of transport (LMT) batteries and electric vehicle (EV) batteries placed on the Union market”.

The Batteries Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2023/1542) can be found at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023R1542

Carbon Footprint of Industrial batteries (CFB-IND)

(last update 25 June 2024)

Following its previous work on carbon footprint rules for electric vehicle batteries, JRC is currently working on the definition of Carbon Footprint rules for “rechargeable Industrial Batteries except those with exclusively external storage” (CFB-IND). The current work is based on the outcomes of the 1st stakeholder event on the carbon footprint methodology for industrial batteries, as organised in December 2023. In addition, the work has been built on the recent draft Annex to the Delegated Act on the carbon footprint methodology for electric vehicle batteries (as published on “Have your Say” on 30 April 2024).

2nd JRC stakeholder event on carbon footprint of industrial batteries (CFB-IND)

JRC is now organizing a second stakeholder event that is planned on the 8th of July 2024 (morning).

If you are interested in following the event and stay updated, please write to EC-EPLCA@ec.europa.eu . In order to keep the event manageable, the number of participants will be limited and therefore we may not be able to grant access to everybody.

The 2nd version of the JRC technical report CFB-IND can be downloaded via the button below.

Feedback from stakeholders on the JRC Technical report should be sent to the email EC-EPLCA@ec.europa.eu , until 31st July 2024. In order to facilitate the revision of the report according to your comments, please use the template provided below, giving preference to specific comments with suggestions for the revision of the text.

Carbon Footprint of Electric Vehicle Batteries (CFB-EV)

(last update June 2023)

JRC drafted a report concerning the potential Carbon Footprint Rules for electric vehicles batteries.

The report is the result of an extensive exchange with several stakeholders over the period Q4/2021 - Q2/2023, including two workshops and a dedicated stakeholder consultation.