EF pilot phase

The updated list of key documents produced by JRC for the EF pilot phase can be accessed through the links below. 


The PEFCR Guidance 6.3 and OEFSR Guidance 6.3 provide instructions on how to develop a Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) and an Organisation Environmental Footprint Sector Rules (OEFSR) in the EF pilot phase. 

The Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules Guidance (PEFCR ver. 6.3) is here available. 

The Organisation Environmental Footprint Sector Rules Guidance (OEFSR ver. 6.3) is available here.
img1Version of the Annex C valid for PEFCRs and OEFSRs developed in the EF Pilot Phase (PEFCR ver. 6.3) including default application-specific and material-specific values to be used in the application of the Circular Footprint Formula when performing a PEF or OEF study.
EF REFERENCE PACKAGEimg1Complete EF reference package 2.0 (including validation profile and Look@LCI configuration) available here

EF reference package 2.0 excel file available here

Changelog from ILCD to EF 2.0 available here

  * If you downloaded the EF Reference Package 2.0 before March 12th 2019, please replace the validation profile with the one available here
IMPACT ASSESSMENTimg1An overview of the evolution of the life cycle impact assessment methods from ILCD to the different stages of the Environmental Footprint is available here

Supporting information for the characterization factors used in the impact assessment for the EF is available here .
img1Suggestions for the update of the Environmental Footprint Life Cycle Impact Assessment concerning impacts due to resource use, water use, land use, and particulate matter have been discussed in a JRC technical report (available here).
img1Supporting information to the characterisation factors of recommended EF Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods. Available here.
img1The  global  normalisation  factors  reported  here  are  built  on  a  vast  collection  of  data  on emissions  and  resources  extracted  at  global  scale  in  2010.  Key  choices  were  made  for compiling the inventories, which were then characterised by using the EF midpoint LCIA method. The results are reported for each impact category. Coverage, completeness and robustness of the underpinning inventories are discussed.

Find the report here

Normalisation and weighting factors available here
img1Final recommendation on a weighting set to be used for the EF. Several  annexes  and  comments  from  a consultation of the Environmental Footprint Technical Advisory Board are also included.

Weighting report available here.
OTHER RESOURCESimg1Process datasets in line with recommendations are available in the data developers' nodes available here
Common tools (for both ILCD and EF) for Data Validation, Data Sharing (node creation) and data analysis available here
For format issues, related to different objects in the ILCD format structure (serving also the EF scheme) specific format documentation available here